Fyke nets – Glass Eel Farms https://glasseelfarms.com glass eels and elvers for sale Wed, 25 Sep 2024 06:59:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://glasseelfarms.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/GLASS-EEL-LOGO-100x100.jpg Fyke nets – Glass Eel Farms https://glasseelfarms.com 32 32 Single Fyke Nets for sale – Mesh Nets https://glasseelfarms.com/product/single-fyke-nets/ https://glasseelfarms.com/product/single-fyke-nets/#respond Mon, 02 Oct 2023 01:24:49 +0000 https://glasseelfarms.com/?post_type=product&p=117
  • 5 Hoop Single Dee – 10 mm,14 mm & 17 mm Mesh – 53cm x 2.75m – 20ft/6m leader.
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    Single Fyke nets are a type of fishing net that are commonly used for fish and bait harvesting as well. These nets are designed with a mesh-like structure that allows fish to enter but makes it difficult for them to escape.
    These Small Mesh Fyke nets are made using 6.5 mm, 8 mm & 10 mm Knotless Mesh – with a 16ft/5m Leader.
    Our company specializes in manufacturing fyke nets. We offer a variety of fyke nets, trap nets, gill nets, hoop nets, and other custom nets. The nets produced by Glass eel farms are made in the USA and are known for their high quality.
    If you are looking to purchase mesh fyke or trap nets, Glass eel farms offers a range of options to choose from.
    Fyke Nets for Sale - Small Mesh Nets (Single or Double)
    Fyke Nets for Sale – Small Mesh Nets (Single or Double)
    Please note that fishing regulations and permit requirements vary by location, so it’s important to check with local authorities before using these nets.
    Usually set on the open coast, in enclosed water bodies and in large channels or so the leaders block smaller channels.
    For open coasts or estuary edges a double fyke is recommended. And in addition, should be set so the middle section of net between the frames is perpendicular to the shore.

    Fyke nets and how they work

       Fyke nets are used for various applications such as fish and bait harvesting, fish raising, and research purposes. They are designed to catch fish alive and keep them unharmed, making them essential for many fisheries-related operations.
    Fish are herded towards the mouth of the trap by the wings of the net. As the fish travels down the cylinder of netting it is guided into the wide end of the cones of netting. And then out through the smaller end and into the next chamber.
    The easiest way out of this chamber is through the next cone of netting and eventually into the enclosed bag at the end of the net. Escape from this section is difficult, therefore the fish are usually retained here until the net is hauled in.
    Fyke nets are generally operated in shallow coastal waters, such as estuaries and sheltered bays. They are usually set in contact to the bottom and hauled or checked for catch on a daily basis. Or every tide (12 hours)
    https://glasseelfarms.com/product/single-fyke-nets/feed/ 0
    Fyke Nets for Sale – Mesh Nets (Double) https://glasseelfarms.com/product/fyke-nets-for-sale/ https://glasseelfarms.com/product/fyke-nets-for-sale/#respond Sun, 01 Oct 2023 12:49:05 +0000 https://glasseelfarms.com/?post_type=product&p=112 These Fyke Nets are supplied with a round front hoop.
    • 5 Hoop Small Mesh Double D – 6.5 mm, 8 mm & 10 mm Mesh – 53cm x (2 x 2.75m) – 16ft/5m Leader
    Fyke nets are a type of fishing net that are commonly used for fish and bait harvesting as well. These nets are designed with a mesh-like structure that allows fish to enter but makes it difficult for them to escape.
    These Small Mesh Fyke nets are made using 6.5 mm, 8 mm & 10 mm Knotless Mesh – with a 16ft/5m Leader.
    Our company specializes in manufacturing fyke nets. We offer a variety of fyke nets, trap nets, gill nets, hoop nets, and other custom nets. The nets produced by Glass eel farms are made in the USA and are known for their high quality.
    If you are looking to purchase mesh fyke or trap nets, Glass eel farms offers a range of options to choose from.
    Fyke Nets for Sale - Small Mesh Nets (Single or Double)
    Fyke Nets for Sale – Small Mesh Nets (Single or Double)
    Please note that fishing regulations and permit requirements vary by location, so it’s important to check with local authorities before using these nets.
    Usually set on the open coast, in enclosed water bodies and in large channels or so the leaders block smaller channels.
    For open coasts or estuary edges a double fyke is recommended. And in addition, should be set so the middle section of net between the frames is perpendicular to the shore.

    Fyke nets and how they work

       Fyke nets are used for various applications such as fish and bait harvesting, fish raising, and research purposes. They are designed to catch fish alive and keep them unharmed, making them essential for many fisheries-related operations.
    Fish are herded towards the mouth of the trap by the wings of the net. As the fish travels down the cylinder of netting it is guided into the wide end of the cones of netting. And then out through the smaller end and into the next chamber.
    The easiest way out of this chamber is through the next cone of netting and eventually into the enclosed bag at the end of the net. Escape from this section is difficult, therefore the fish are usually retained here until the net is hauled in.
    Fyke nets are generally operated in shallow coastal waters, such as estuaries and sheltered bays. They are usually set in contact to the bottom and hauled or checked for catch on a daily basis. Or every tide (12 hours)
    https://glasseelfarms.com/product/fyke-nets-for-sale/feed/ 0