Farm Store – Glass Eel Farms glass eels and elvers for sale Wed, 18 Dec 2024 16:54:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Farm Store – Glass Eel Farms 32 32 Frozen glass eel elvers 1 Ounce Tue, 30 Apr 2024 20:33:08 +0000

Frozen Elver Price List

1 Ounce | $366.64 1 Pound | $5700.00  1 Kilo | $10300.99  

Frozen Elvers Available – 1Ounce – 1KG+


Frozen glass eel from from the Keys of Florida, one of the main fishing areas for the species in the US. They’re particularly prized for their size, for being alive at the time of cooking, and for their glassy nature.

Elvers stand out nutritionally for their high vitamin A and D content, great for protecting our immune system, as well as for containing vitamin E, a natural antioxidant.

The elvers sold by come from the Florida Keys and Estuaries, one of the main fishing areas for the species in the US. After fishing, they’re taken to specialized nurseries where they’re kept alive until cooked and packaged.

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Smoked Eel Fillet Fri, 26 Apr 2024 02:22:51 +0000 Smoked Eel Fillets

$4.50 -  100 grams

$45.00  -  1 kilogram 

$4000.00 - 100 Kilograms

Min. Order!  –  1 Kilo.  Orders above 10 kilograms is subject to discounted prices. Contact sales department for more.

No.1 Smoked eel fillet exporter USA

Smoked eel fillet ensures that this tasty eel is a real treat at any time of the day. We’ve been dealing with eels for over 2 decades now!

Order smoked gutted American Unagi online

Best buy for all things eel related. We offer you sustainable eels caught in Florida Keys, These whole eels are wild-caught  Eels are a delicacy across the world because they taste amazing!

Smoked Eel is highly prized delicacy all over the world with evermore growing popularity. Essential part of Asian cuisine, as well as in Europe and the US, Eel can be prepared in many ways: broiled to its jellied form, grilled. smoked or even in sushi.


Buying Smoked Eel Fillets online

All orders will be dispatched by overnight carrier. They will be packed with dry ice in a polystyrene box, which ensures your fish is still frozen when you receive it. If you are not entirely satisfied with your order, contact us as soon as possible and we will endeavor to resolve any issues within 24 hours.


Bank Holidays

Since we pack and ship the day before delivery we regret that we do not offer Monday deliveries or on a Tuesday after a bank holiday. None of the above shall affect your statutory rights as a customer.

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Single Fyke Nets for sale – Mesh Nets Mon, 02 Oct 2023 01:24:49 +0000
  • 5 Hoop Single Dee – 10 mm,14 mm & 17 mm Mesh – 53cm x 2.75m – 20ft/6m leader.
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    Single Fyke nets are a type of fishing net that are commonly used for fish and bait harvesting as well. These nets are designed with a mesh-like structure that allows fish to enter but makes it difficult for them to escape.
    These Small Mesh Fyke nets are made using 6.5 mm, 8 mm & 10 mm Knotless Mesh – with a 16ft/5m Leader.
    Our company specializes in manufacturing fyke nets. We offer a variety of fyke nets, trap nets, gill nets, hoop nets, and other custom nets. The nets produced by Glass eel farms are made in the USA and are known for their high quality.
    If you are looking to purchase mesh fyke or trap nets, Glass eel farms offers a range of options to choose from.
    Fyke Nets for Sale - Small Mesh Nets (Single or Double)
    Fyke Nets for Sale – Small Mesh Nets (Single or Double)
    Please note that fishing regulations and permit requirements vary by location, so it’s important to check with local authorities before using these nets.
    Usually set on the open coast, in enclosed water bodies and in large channels or so the leaders block smaller channels.
    For open coasts or estuary edges a double fyke is recommended. And in addition, should be set so the middle section of net between the frames is perpendicular to the shore.

    Fyke nets and how they work

       Fyke nets are used for various applications such as fish and bait harvesting, fish raising, and research purposes. They are designed to catch fish alive and keep them unharmed, making them essential for many fisheries-related operations.
    Fish are herded towards the mouth of the trap by the wings of the net. As the fish travels down the cylinder of netting it is guided into the wide end of the cones of netting. And then out through the smaller end and into the next chamber.
    The easiest way out of this chamber is through the next cone of netting and eventually into the enclosed bag at the end of the net. Escape from this section is difficult, therefore the fish are usually retained here until the net is hauled in.
    Fyke nets are generally operated in shallow coastal waters, such as estuaries and sheltered bays. They are usually set in contact to the bottom and hauled or checked for catch on a daily basis. Or every tide (12 hours)
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    Fyke Nets for Sale – Mesh Nets (Double) Sun, 01 Oct 2023 12:49:05 +0000 These Fyke Nets are supplied with a round front hoop.
    • 5 Hoop Small Mesh Double D – 6.5 mm, 8 mm & 10 mm Mesh – 53cm x (2 x 2.75m) – 16ft/5m Leader
    Fyke nets are a type of fishing net that are commonly used for fish and bait harvesting as well. These nets are designed with a mesh-like structure that allows fish to enter but makes it difficult for them to escape.
    These Small Mesh Fyke nets are made using 6.5 mm, 8 mm & 10 mm Knotless Mesh – with a 16ft/5m Leader.
    Our company specializes in manufacturing fyke nets. We offer a variety of fyke nets, trap nets, gill nets, hoop nets, and other custom nets. The nets produced by Glass eel farms are made in the USA and are known for their high quality.
    If you are looking to purchase mesh fyke or trap nets, Glass eel farms offers a range of options to choose from.
    Fyke Nets for Sale - Small Mesh Nets (Single or Double)
    Fyke Nets for Sale – Small Mesh Nets (Single or Double)
    Please note that fishing regulations and permit requirements vary by location, so it’s important to check with local authorities before using these nets.
    Usually set on the open coast, in enclosed water bodies and in large channels or so the leaders block smaller channels.
    For open coasts or estuary edges a double fyke is recommended. And in addition, should be set so the middle section of net between the frames is perpendicular to the shore.

    Fyke nets and how they work

       Fyke nets are used for various applications such as fish and bait harvesting, fish raising, and research purposes. They are designed to catch fish alive and keep them unharmed, making them essential for many fisheries-related operations.
    Fish are herded towards the mouth of the trap by the wings of the net. As the fish travels down the cylinder of netting it is guided into the wide end of the cones of netting. And then out through the smaller end and into the next chamber.
    The easiest way out of this chamber is through the next cone of netting and eventually into the enclosed bag at the end of the net. Escape from this section is difficult, therefore the fish are usually retained here until the net is hauled in.
    Fyke nets are generally operated in shallow coastal waters, such as estuaries and sheltered bays. They are usually set in contact to the bottom and hauled or checked for catch on a daily basis. Or every tide (12 hours)
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    Live Adult American Eels – Anguilla Rostrata Wed, 20 Sep 2023 23:08:34 +0000 Live American Eel Price List

    $17.99 - 1 pound ( 1 Adult fish weighs more than a lbs )

    Minimun Order - 12 Adult Anguilla Rostrata


    Live American Eels

        Live American eels from glass eel farms. This is an aquaculture industry Located in the Florida Keys and they are top supplies of healthy and alive American eel also known as Anguilla Rostratta for the Japanese Unagi delicacy and other meals.

    Fresh and direct delivery 

    During transportation, oxygen and Ice are properly supplied to assure live eels sent to packing factor.

    Pure water storage

    For purification, continuous supply of pure water is provided for the next 12 hours

    Grade and classification before packing 

    Farm raised American Eel shipped live to your location anywhere in the United States. The 13-17 inch sized eel are considered medium bait eels and will be the thickness of a C battery. Sizes do vary as females tend to be skinnier and longer than males while males tend to be fatter and shorter than females.


    Professional packing is done to assure live eels for at least 18 to  24 hours.


    Air shipment is used to ensure eels are safely delivered to customers.

    Worldwide Live Eel Delivery




      Please contact us if you have an issue with your order and will work with you to make sure you are satisfied with the product.

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    Live glass eels and elvers Sat, 16 Sep 2023 01:55:27 +0000 Live Glass Eel Elvers (Juvenile elvers) $1190.00  -   1 Pound $2190.00   -   1 Kilogram  ]]>  

    Live Glass eels and Elvers

    Live glass eel refers to the transparent willow shaped larva of the Anguilla Rostrata eel fish also known as American eel. We provide high quality freshly caught glass eels from Florida Keys west estuary.

    American Glass Eel (Anguilla Rostrata)

    The American eel is a smooth, snake-like fish that lives in rivers, streams and other freshwater areas. American eels are elongated fish that can vary in color from green or yellowish-brown to a darker shade of almost black.

    The leptocephalus (glass eel) is the larval form of the American glass eel, a stage strikingly different from the adult form the eels will grow into. Leptocephali are transparent with a small pointed head and large teeth and are frequently described “leaf-like”. We offer up to 6000 piece a pound. Very young and very healthy Glass Eels, growth has been evaluated at about 0.21 to 0.38 mm per day.
     Glass eel or leptocephali metamorphose into glass eels (juveniles), which are transparent and possess the typical elongate and serpentine eel shape. The term glass eel refers to all developmental stages between the end of metamorphosis and full pigmentation. Metamorphosis occurs when leptocephali are about 55 to 65 mm long.


    Metal and drug residue detection 

    Export live eels are required to pass through drug residue and product hygiene tests. Two of these tests have to be conducted before export.


    Fresh and direct delivery 

    During transportation, oxygen and Ice are properly supplied to assure live eels sent to packing factor.

    Pure water storage

    For purification, continuous supply of pure water is provided for the next 12 hour.

    Grade and classification before packing 

    Eel is classified according to size and grade.


    Professional packing is done to assure live eels for at least 18 to  24 hours


    Air shipment is used to ensure eels are safely delivered to customers.

    Worldwide Live Eel Delivery

    Our eels are very healthy and ready for shipment. We keep American eels that weight up to 2kg. Contact us today for the best prices for Live American eels online.
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