Category Archives: Our Blog

Captive Breeding Eel Innovation: Ensuring Survival of the American Eel

– Captive Breeding Eels Delve into the transformative world of American eel farming at Glass Eel Farms and discover how we are championing the preservation of American and Japanese wild eels through captive breeding. Find out where you can procure ethically raised glass eels for a sustainable future. The American eel, celebrated as a culinary […]

Unagi Production in Florida

Unagi Production: Revolutionizing the Rise of Captive Bred American Eels Unagi production has its breakthroughs in American farming where Glass Eel Farms expertly raises captive-bred glass eels. Learn about our pioneering techniques that contribute to conservation efforts while fulfilling the global demand for quality unagi. In an effort to address the precarious future of the […]